Henry County Democrat from Clinton, Missouri (2024)

SHERIFF'S SALK mm nni order of i-iiuication by 1 CLERK IN VACATION ivomance cuiu 1675 CHUKUI ULLL I CLOSELY GUARDED THE ROAD." Rummage i Whereas Thomas J. Anders and Annie Anders, his wife, did by their certain deed of trust, dated February Partners in ine Gold Mine STATE OF MISSOURI coal from Ttnce Br JANE OSBORN Story That It Was Given by Grateful Widow. I8 County of Henry In Circuit Court September Term, i By L. E. ANDREWS V' or coai i i.

t' inirany, the (Copyright i' the fy bv Her- EVERYTHING Is at! set." snhl "1 UJIUT V'Wlll H'Ul "H'im jjOQ KVEII uperiniiiiu.M 4 SIERRA PETE tood ai If turned to ton. hli eves fixed on a yellow Utannls. guarded In the f.nproof cuithoue of Urn table guilty, In Buriwtulda. awU Owen Plaintiffs Ted iv nwlck, as he regarded his 26, 1921, and recorded In hook i- at page CI, Henry County, Missouri, deed records, convey to Paul Tyler, Trustee, the following real estaU in Henry County, Missouri, to-wit: A tract of land described as beginning at the northwset corner of Ixt No. Five (5) of Buyer's first ad under hmidt.

the townsnip road from i irobbed vs. Gi'ttchen Christmas and Charles! believed to be the oiu." ni. a nan own pleasant, somewhat freckled fact In the mirror over the fireplace. Then he sank buck In his second-hand mor rls chair nnd puffed at his plpo. "That the mine church tH In the country.

It o) 13 to lU'-'y so well that after fine ttgtagglng along the Ide of the culch. Shuttlnn his eyes tight. Slerrt I'He argued with himself. he crowled. "It alu't there.

Christmas, Mary Christmas, Hazel CYhn, Horothy Rowden and Virginia a bright fiwn. but piamij the date of cn-tlng. W'3. 'wn" more will Is, I'm lo take Palsy Jones and ted, rt-toai mines to the New the ou're going to take her cousin, Mary. 'It get Daisy to ask Mary If youVe with the Latin Inscription, -m pro nobis Quia cohiim no fit." tliiWH school house.

shy about It Daisy's keen about tmv Tl bell is hnruiy ni it his The Min'i gt me at last. It ain't Cold Its' notliln' but a niy-rlde." Hut when lie opened his eyes the yellow stronU wnt still there. I'iek-ing up a loose Htone. he chipped "ft a rroguifnt of the gl'anilng yellow dition to the city of Clinton, thence North sixty (60) feet to the North line of Elm Street in said city for a beginning point, thence East ona hundred and seven (107) feet, thence North to a point within twenty five Rowdi'ii in their own lights and as aj class representing the heirs of the body of Charles Armstrong, and the unknown descendants of Charles Armstrong constituting the contingent heirs of his body for themselves and as a class representing the heirs used on locomi'inr Ing her go, because Mary has had a spat with Rod Titus and Rod Is ask lory Is nearly lon as mm oi stute of Massachusetts. ing another girl, nnd they wanted io show Rod that she could go even The Morv handed down ly woiu outcropplns.

oF PUBLICATION BY in ii til in mi- niiiLf "Cold!" he he didn't ask her. Knowing thai you were hard up to find a girl" cd by Cupt. Peter HudolrT was lost oft vein. I'cci" fani nnu me i n. CLERK IN VACATION "Shut un!" shouted Diclf uimom of the body or said tnancs Armstrong Defendants.

The State of Misouri to the above Sandwich and all nanus i .1 I lift We inn rliie in our ou iuiihij rin of from the other side of the room, where The people or iMirnmnuiw nun ear 8 feet of the centre of the right of way of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company, thence in a Southwesterly course along th East line of said right of way the East line of Second street, thence due South to the place of beginning. nr lives. We enn n. iiosn. v.iun named or described defendants (all bodies cast up on shore a burial.

The next year the cptalns he was unpacking his suitcase, and tossing socks and ties and other ac-cessorlefc In rather random manner c*nt we 11 of whom are non-resident of the State of Missouri and cannot be of missolri County of Henry In the Circuit Court, Term, 1W0. Mt.rn-.an I R8 vs. September Flaintiff widow Kent the bell to iarnnio. appreciation of the colonists' kindness. Into the chiffonier drawer.

"1 dont we wn Ject I'n'r lenn mi nesen mis with noihln hut a JucUnss nnd a prnliKtnke belwwn us." served with the ordinary process of need to have your Daisy Jones nna Flrnt It was usee! as a inmw. law in this State) greeting: id. nnusei. overcnine icr mc and then trannfened to mm c- i. lite girl for me.

Happens I have rounrj girl that Just suits me. If she can't You are hereby notified that an Imn mere biihw. meiit. Someinins nwi Mu urinktPd cheeks. lie nnisneu ir come I'll stay home.

A senior aance and known as Lot 5, Banta's addition to the city of Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. In trust to secure the payment of the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars the Cottage Building and Loan As stirring events of the revolution from action has been commenced against vou in the Circuit Court of Henry nv wratlifully. the buttle of Lexington onr nlaintiff in the above en- PattiinM" lie imiiuiea. -a grtui bv Attorney, before the Hmr. tft hllW HOW.

Willi OH iui County, Missouri, affecting the title to the following described lands and In slsht. You'd orter be kickln' up Lipned Clerk of the Circuit vacation, and files his peti roll, llPplR like vearlln' colt. Isn't so vastly Important anyway Ted Fenwlck and Dick Lamont had shared the same suite of rooms two small bedrooms and a sitting room for two years, and up to now the rather snub nosed Ted had been general manager of the partnership, while Dick took such benefits as thy cnine. devoting his own time to the tenements said llenry Missouri, to-wit: Biit his liohimiien doois ikmiuiu. i.

a ifiwlfuil hnrk i retained Its place until tne burned In 182a The belfry fel out-ward so the bell wns saved and was hung In the present courthouse when It was built. Karlv In the present century some bovs who were "ringing In" the Fourth of' July rather overdid the busing and the bell was cracked. It tnen was plated In the law library for permanent preservation. tion affidavit, stating among rthtr things, that the above named is a non-resident of the sociation, of Clinton, Missouri, acocrding with their certain contract described in and secured by said deed of trust. And whereas it is provided in said deed of trust that if default be made in payments on said contract accord ramn where I'ecos Sam was rryin East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter flnntneks over a mesquite nre.

ai Missouri, so that the ordin elbow, Music, the burro, wnlted hope of Section 35 in Township 42 and Range 20 which said action is law cannot be served fully. When recos Sara passeu mm returnable on the first day of the defendant spoonful of the aougn, ne II ko (l02. Myrtle a. ausb, upon next term of said Court, to be held at "Git out now!" admonisnea recos herein. thereupon ordered by the the Court House in the City of Clin winning of athletic laurels and the maintenance of what Ted considered an unnecessarily high scholarship.

Ted had arranged the furnishing cl the rooms, having attended numerous rummage sales In the town In search of lamps, plctuies and bits of brlc-a brae which, he thought, gave the rooms a look of homlness. Diirlnu the course of their evening nm "fin nnd rusue your buici. vw I ton. County and State aforesaid, on id. in vacation, that ing to the terms thereof and oi tns provisions of said deed of trust and the constitution and by laws of said Association, that the said Association may declare said deed of trust and contract due and payable and proceed to foreclose said deed of trust.

And whereas default has been Where Sierra Pete was long biiu lont with vertical wrinkles, Pecos uene be made notifying said the second Monday in beptcmoer Rnm wns Rouat and bow-legged with Pendant that an action has been 1930, when and where you may ap nr and answer or otherwise de wrinkles of the horizontal variety, and commenced against her by petition Ancient Beast's Bones Discovered in South Richmond, teeth and jaw bones and particles of other bone, some prehistoric monster which eithei swam in the ocean off Wilmington, 2S or roamed the forest, were found by dredging officials lu a section of the Intracoastal waterway between fumiina Beach and Myrtle Grove now. as he saw Pete returning to of study together Ted uinnnged to dls fend; otherwise plaintiff's petition jn the Henry County Circuit court, cover that Dick had seen tne gin oi camp, the wrinkles crumbled In a wel- fmlnff prin. will be taken as confessed and judg the object and general nature girls. It was on his way back rrom the city where he had spent the week end. He had merely sat on the oppo which is to obtain a divorce, upon mnnds.

to-wit: Defendant "Jumpin' horn toads!" he exclaimed. rnu been. Pete? You look like von'd seen a irhost." absented herself without a reason Bite side of the enr nnd admired and flhlft cause for the space of one year Anally adored. He took away with ment renderd accordingly. J.

W. Gray, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Henry County, Mo. By Ethel Redford, I). C. A true copy from the record.

Witness my hand and seal of said Court, this 8 day of July 1930. (SEAL) made in the payments due on said contract according to the terms thereof and the provisions of said deed of trust and constitution and by laws of said Association, and the said Association has thereby declared said contract and deed of trust due and the above named trustee being deceased, requested the under-Biimed as substitute trustee named last past and before the filing of The teeth, several of which were dug out of the earth, were approximately nine inches long and about three and inrhes in diameter. They him nothing more than nn intieuuie mental picture of a girl In blue frock with sky-blue eyes nnd golden this Detition, And unless the said defendant De i. iinnnds each, one of hnlr nnd a lit tlo felt hat raklHhiy trimmed with poppy nnd daisy or "Go look in that gulch Jest below the mesa, and you'll see the same ghost," said Sierra Pete. "I'll to the flapjacks." When Pecos Sam returned, he was wiping the perspiration from his forehead with a grimy bandana, nnd his ayes held a strange dazed look.

"Looks like it was the end of the trail for us, Pete," he observed. "Pears that way," replied Sierra tPPth hnd a spread of J. W. Gray, Clerk of the and appear at the next term of the Circuit Court to be begun and holden at the court house in the City of 12 inches, was eight inches long nnd fl thickness of about four Inches. Circuit Court of Henry County, Mo By Ethel Redfo.d, U.

L. Clinton, in said County and State, on Jyl0w4t the Second Monday in September two, a corn-flower nnd a blade or wheat. It seemed to Tod ns If be had never soon anything so clever nnd entrancing In the way of hnt trim mlng ns that bunch of Held (lowers. The next afternoon It happened Hint Ted and Dick went down the main street together, Ted intent on a rum by said deed of trust, to foreclose the same. Now therefore, by reason of suck default and at the request of th Cottage Building and Loan Association, the legal owner and holder of Particles of the bone founa were ui massive nature and indicated that the beast was extremely powerful and capable of accomplishing much de- Inn's nnd virp- 1330 and on or before the first day Pete, with equal gravity.

In silence the partners ate tneir iul thO supper, in snence uiey ili.u of said term to answer, plead or demur to said petition, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment entered accordingly. It is further ordered that a copy such contract and deed of trust, ana ORDER OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MISSOURI County of Henry purple dusk shroud tne peaks. "Reckon the street lights will be as bright as them stars and that moon?" in accordance with the terms of said In the Probate Court, May Term r-. mt A 1- deed ftust, I will on Friday, Sept. 12.

1930, between the hours of be published in the Henry County 1930, Saturday, August iimu me o'clock A. M. and 5 o'clock 1 M. oi 52nd judical day of said term. Order of Publication Democrat a weekly newspaper printed and published in Henry County, Missouri, for four consecu mage sale, Just opened, where he hoped to tine! a few new pictures to deck his rather hare walls.

The last thing In the world that Dick ordinarily would have done would have been to go Into one of these rummngc sales. But he saw something lab' on the edge of the show window that lured him In. It was a porky little blue felt hat trimmed with a poppy, a daisy or two, some corn flowers and a blade of wheat. He looked around after he had entered, but did not see the girl In the matter of the Estate of tive weeks, the last insertion being Pecos Sam asked. Sierra Pete scowled.

"Ask me suth-In' easy," he grumbled. "I ain't stayed overnight in a town for more'n twenty years." "I cau beat that." Pecos Sam was frankly triumphant. "It's twenty-five since I slept anywhere but under the stars." "And fifteen of them yenrs weve been together," remarked Sierra Pete. "Fifteen! They ain't been so bad John Hall, Deceased Floyd L. Sperry I at least 30 days before the first day struction wmi us nv" like teeth.

Shifting Sand Reveals Lost City in Arizona Phoenix, "City of Jewels," sought four centuries ago by-Spanish conquistadores when they learned from Indian legends of Its ancient existence, is belteved to have been found here recently, when sands of the Arizona desert near Falomas shifted and revealed ruins of a lost CiThe discovery was made by W. J. ITanna, federal land inspector, who claims to have found evidence of prehistoric civilization along an ancient water course. Much pottery and remains of an Ingenious irrigation system were uncovered, he said Cum Testamento Annexo. Now.

at this day conies Floyd of said September term, 1930. (SEAL) said day at the North door of the Court House in the city of Clinton, Henry County, Missouri, being tha customary place for holding such sales, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the above described real estate, for the purpose of executing said trust nnd the costs and expenses A. W. Kahmann, Sheriff of Henrv County, Missouri. A7wlt Sperry, Cum Testmento An nexo of the estate of John Hall, de J.

W. Gray, Circuit Clerk By Ethel Redford, D. C. ceased, and presents his petition to J19w4t the Court, praying for an order for the sale of so much of the real estate of said deceased as will pay and sat whom he haci seen wear it. "Is this hat for sale?" he asked a little falteringly of a young woman who npproaohed him.

The girl laughed and said she thought so If he wished to pay the price. "Yon mav have It for ten dollars," have they, Pard?" "Jv'ope," returned Pecos Sam thoughtfully. "They've been purty tol'able." "Thar's some things gold can't buy," mused Sierra Pete. "A few," agreed Pecos Sam. "Reckon I'd better draw a map of this here nlace." he added.

"That gulch Is a isfy the remaining debts due by said estate, and yet unpaid, for want of NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT It's nearly new find tins is sufficient assets, accompanied by a siie gaid Excavation is pianneu an excellent cause the day nursery, NOTICE is hereby given to al ter'ble hard place to find." Rummaging out the stub of a lead pencil and a piece of paper that had NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO LAY WATER MAIN IN PUBLIC creditors and others interested in the you know." Dick dove into his pocket and brought forth ten dollars he hnd set true account of his administration, and a list of debts due to and by the deeased, and remaining unpaid, and an inventory of the real estate, and of the remaining personal estate, with Estate of Ruth B. Sheets, McNeilly, HIGHWAY. In the matter of the application oi its appraised value, and all other as- deceased that Henry F. Poague Administrator of said Estate intend ti make final settlement thereof at the next term of the Probate Court of Henry County, State of Missouri, k- held on the 18th day of August Five Weeks' Old Boy Flies to Grandmother Newark, N. youngest air passenger ever seen here landed at Newark municipal airport recently.

He was Ted Hebert, son of O. P. Ile-bert, Pilot of the Curtiss Flying service at Valley Stream, L. and Mrs. Hebert, born five weeks ago nt Nassau hospital.

The young flyer came here to visit rnniimother. Mrs. Grace Grifllth, the Missouri 1'unnc aervice. to lay water main in public highway. somehow escaped destruction, Pecos Sam drew a map that satisfied himself.

Folding It up, he placed It in the Inside pocket of his coat. "Reckon that'll do," he decided. The next morning the partners staked out their claim. They talked little on their Way to town to record It. Pecos Sam was grimly silent and Sierra Pete was snappish.

One on either side of Music, they plodded along. On the third day a staudstonn aside toward final examination fees. Just then appeared from the back of the store a lovely golden-haired young girl, blue-eyed and rose-petal skinned none other than the girl of his dreams. "Oil, you mustn't sell my but," she said to "the girl with whom Dick was making his transaction. "I just laid it down there, but it Isn't for sale." "P.e a good sport, Mary," laughed the othei girl.

"The young man wants 2. tv Notice is hereby given that tne i sets in his hands, the wnoie veiuioo. by affidavit of the said Floyd S. Sperry. On examination whereof, it is ordered that all persons interested in the estate of the said deceased be notified that application as afore-tsaid has been made, and that unless 50.

undersigned Missouri i uunc vice Company has filed its applica-with the State Highway Com- Henry F. Poague, Ancillary Administrator Jy2w4t tion i p.i.-vnmfield. He was accompanied the contrary be shown on or before mission lor peniusswu -water main in the right of way of the 16th day of September 19o0 the held them up. There was notmng to i do but camp, nnd when at last the partners awoke to find the sky glori State Highway 13, more particularly it. lies wining io pay nn uiii it." "That's an outrageous price," said the uirl called Mary.

"The hnt only described as follows: Commencing ously blue nnd the sun sinning, meir same being a day of August MM term of the Probate Court of Henry County, which said Court will be in session in the office of the Judge of at the South Corporation limits of tiiroo dollars nnd the flowers ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE grouchy mood had passed, nnd they joked nnd laughed like boys. And then again silence claimed them, a strange silence that was full of the City of Clinton on the right oi way of State Highway No. 13 and aren't worth fifty cents. I got them at the ten-cent store." the said Court in the City of Clinton, Notice of nut I don't reallv want to take is hereby given that Let-administration upon the etxending thence south ami aiong in said County, an order will be made by his parents and will fly back home after a short visit. Asked about his sensations while (lying, Ted said, "ga-pa." "I knew he'd like it," said his dad.

Branded Turtle Treks to Swamp for 24th Year nttsfield. Mass. Selectman Howard Porter of Mount Washington recently Identified Jennie, a land turtle, that has crossed his lawn late In June for 24 years consecutively on its three-mile pilgrimage from Mount Everett to a swamp near the Porter farm. Mr. Porter picked up the turtle and enw the Initials of his brother, Mal the hat if it Is yours," said Dick, sud said highway for a distance oi about 1600 feet, to the Lindstrom denlv becoming quite courageous.

"I'd for the sale of the whole, or so much of the real estate of said deceased, as will be suffiicent for the payment much rather see you wear It." He was i.aini tntentlv at Mary. "I'll leave Hatcheries; said water main to be 'ate of William F. Carter deceased te been granted to the under- I'ned by the Probate Court of County, Missouri, bearing the 11 day of July 1930. meaning. Tecos Sam was getting breakfast, when be gave a sudden yell.

"Pete! Come here quick. The map's gone!" he roareel. "I jest left my coat on the ground a minute and that derned Music nosed out the map. Pete, be's chawed up our gold mine, sure as blazes. It'll mebhe take years to find the ten dollars for the cause, but 1 of said debts; and it is further ordered that this order be published in laid of such size at such dcpin ana at such distance from the center of the right of way of said highway so won't take the hat." Just then Ted, who had been bick ering over some framed pictures marked forty cents apiece that he A-! persons having claims against (state are required to exhibit "'m for allowance, within six as not to interfere with the use ana enjoyment thereof by the public and that gulch agin, now the storm has wanted to get for thirty, pushed his from the date of said let wav to Dick nnd the young women.

Henry County Democrat for four weeks before the said 16th day of September 1930. STATE OF MISSOURI County of Henry Mildred Griggs Clerk of the Probate Court held in and for said Countv. herebv certify that the fore- colm, and the date June 3. 190. carved on the shell.

The turtle never varies more than three days in crossing the Porter place on Its June "Ilowdv. Daisy, 'Io, Mary," be said they may be precluded from -1 didn't know you werp running this it refit of such estate and if covered our tracks. Sierra Pete glared nt Music. He had his own private opinion as to how Music had found that map. "The pie-eyed son of a mountain Jackass!" he snorted.

"You hadn't orter left your coat on the ground that war. You might have knowed the as directed by the order of said waie Highway Commission. That said matter will be heard ir Jefferson City on Saturday. August 16th at ten o'clock A. M.

in the office of C. W. Brown. Asst. Chief Engineer of State Highway Depart sale.

You don't seem to need nny In tiaims be not exhibited within 'car from the date of the troduetiens. This is my roommate Dick Lamont. Dick, you've heard me nnd her cousin, Mary." is a true copy of the original of letters on said estate, will be forever barred. Thorp was a quick exchange Order of Publication therein refer Cropped Hair Banned for Woman Choristers Oslo, Norway. Church in the village of P.remnes, on the west roast of Nrway, refused to worn erne K.

Carter, Administratrix! rvl a the same appears of record critter couldn't tell a map of a gold mine from a plcklj recipe. Now we got to start all over ag'in to look up our gold mine. Put if we found It once, we can f.nd it in my office. ment; At which time and place any Tfr-son interested may appear and bt heard in orr'siii-n t- -r in favor -lances between Ted and Dick. "This is great." was all that Dak said aloud, but before the two room mates bad left the rummage sale that afternoon they had made full plans Witness my hand and seal of said Cout Done st office in Clinton, Missouri, this day of August A.

-i OF MISSOURI of Henry I Wely Certify that Jennie K. was anted letters of admin-yin nyrm the estate of William atcr ceased on the date above choir "1 that Uomina- oi sum on ith cropped hair sins in after the pastor had "cropping and waving Is an little foursome party at tne i. me r- mav file wiitten for tne objection ani senior "Anyhow, we g-t all the rest of our liven to l'k around for said Pocos Sam. Sierra Pete scratched his bristHnp cl in medit.nively. "So were Jest of the rvrooti'-n the granting ID.

1930. said application. prayer MISSOURI PUBLIC SERVICE TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I Mildred Griggs Clerk of Probate Gruff, Deputy Clerk. Allwlt COMPANY Jy31w3t Bv Esther Wolf Hunters Wrong; Shoot Big Police Dog Tt-rre llamo, Ind.

"Wolf hunters" who bagced a pound specimen In the noois near Middletown recently were disappointed when IHU'h Feller American TouritU Spender It has l-t'i'ii eMimated that American tourists lu V.KSX Of this, was spent in tourist resorts within the United States, ent Europe. WM'j to Canada and rouple of desert rats sg'in," he com merited. "And partners His han-1 went out and met Pecos Sam's In a grip. Two pairs of old eye looked deep into eacli other, and two old hearts teat In a complelf rhythm of understanding. -And partners" repeated Peccs Saa hereunto set my hand and af-t seal of saij Court, this 11th Ju'y 1030.

Hauler A. Poague, Judge of rrt-Vate and Ex-Offkio of the Probate Court of Torre Haute claimed the victim was 1 to Cuba. I WEEKLY DEMOCRAT $1.50 PER YEAR WE DO JOB PRINTING tts lost por.ee JylTwl.

Henry County Democrat from Clinton, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.