Planetary features (2024)


Planetary features (1)

This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.10) of the game.

Planetary features represent notable areas found on natural planets. They determine the number of Districts the planet can support and some features exclusively obtained by events can provide various bonuses to planets. If a planet is terraformed into Planetary features (3) Ecumenopolis, Planetary features (4) Hive World, or Planetary features (5) Machine World it loses all of its planetary features, including event features. Hive Worlds and Machine Worlds do not lose the deposit features that determine the max number of Strategic Resource buildings.


See Also
Star Concord
  • 1 Features
    • 1.1 Deposit features
    • 1.2 Habitat features
    • 1.3 Anomaly features
    • 1.4 Decision features
    • 1.5 Event features
    • 1.6 Homeworld features
      • 1.6.1 Earth features
    • 1.7 Unique features
  • 2 Blockers
    • 2.1 Natural blockers
    • 2.2 Relic World blockers
    • 2.3 Shattered Ring World blockers
    • 2.4 Detox blockers
    • 2.5 Homeworld blockers
    • 2.6 Event blockers
    • 2.7 Other blockers
  • 3 References


Deposit features[]

These planetary features are generated on each natural planet and determine the number of resource Districts and Strategic Resource buildings the planet can support. If a planet is terraformed these features may be changed to new ones with the same effects that fit the planet class by flavor.

Dry planets are 50% more likely to have planetary features that increase the limit for Generator Districts or Mote Harvesting Traps. Wet planets are 50% more likely to have planetary features that increase the limit for Agriculture Districts or Gas Extraction Wells. Cold planets are 50% more likely to have planetary features that increase the limit for Mining Districts or Crystal Mines. Gaia planets are 50% more likely to have planetary features that increase the limit for Gas Extraction Wells, Mote Harvesting Traps and Crystal Mines.

Planetary features (6) Agriculture districtsPlanetary features (7) Generator districtsPlanetary features (8) Mining districtsPlanetary features (9) Crystal minesPlanetary features (10) Gas extraction wellsPlanetary features (11) Mote harvesting trapsPlanetary features (12) Betharian power plantPlanetary features (13) Alien zoo
  • Planetary features (14) Boggy Fens
  • Planetary features (15) Bountiful Plains
  • Planetary features (16) Fair Tundra
  • Planetary features (17) Green Hills
  • Planetary features (18) Lichen Fields
  • Planetary features (19) Natural Farmland
  • Planetary features (20) Nutritious Mudlands
  • Planetary features (21) Rugged Woods
  • Planetary features (22) Arid Highlands
  • Planetary features (23) Buzzing Plains
  • Planetary features (24) Hot Springs
  • Planetary features (25) Mineral Fields
  • Planetary features (26) Mineral Striations
  • Planetary features (27) Ore-Veined Cliffs
  • Planetary features (28) Crystalline Caverns
  • Planetary features (29) Bubbling Swamp
  • Planetary features (30) Dust Caverns
  • Planetary features (31) Betharian Fields
  • Planetary features (32) Isolated Valley
  • Planetary features (33) Fertile Lands
  • Planetary features (34) Fungal Caves
  • Planetary features (35) Great River
  • Planetary features (36) Lush Jungle
  • Planetary features (37) Frozen Gas Lake
  • Planetary features (38) Rushing Waterfalls
  • Planetary features (39) Searing Desert
  • Planetary features (40) Prosperous Mesa
  • Planetary features (41) Ore-Rich Caverns
  • Planetary features (42) Crystal Forest
  • Planetary features (43) Crystal Reef
  • Planetary features (44) Fuming Bog
  • Planetary features (45) Dust Desert
Planetary features (46)Planetary features (47)
  • Planetary features (48) Black Soil
  • Planetary features (49) Fungal Forest
  • Planetary features (50) Marvelous Oasis
  • Planetary features (51) Teeming Reef
  • Planetary features (52) Tropical Island
  • Planetary features (53) Geothermal Vents
  • Planetary features (54) Tempestous Mountain
  • Planetary features (55) Underwater Vents
  • Planetary features (56) Rich Mountain
  • Planetary features (57) Submerged Ore Veins
Planetary features (58)Planetary features (59)Planetary features (60)Planetary features (61)Planetary features (62)

Habitat features[]

These planetary features are added to a Habitat Complex when either the Habitat Central Complex or an orbital are built above a celestial body containing the appropriate resource deposits. The size of their bonuses depends on the number of deposits with an orbital above

Planetary features (63)Exotic Gas DepositPlanetary features (64) Gas Extractor jobsThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable exotic gas deposit.
Planetary features (65)Rare Crystal DepositPlanetary features (66) Crystal Miner jobsThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable rare crystal deposit.
Planetary features (67)Volatile Mote DepositPlanetary features (68) Mote Harvester jobsThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable volatile mote deposit.
Planetary features (69)Alloy DepositPlanetary features (70) AlloysThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable source of alloys.
Planetary features (71)Zro DepositPlanetary features (72) ZroThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable zro deposit.
Planetary features (73)Dark Matter DepositPlanetary features (74) Dark MatterThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable dark matter deposit.
Planetary features (75)Living Metal DepositPlanetary features (76) Living MetalThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable living metal deposit.
Planetary features (77)Nanite DepositPlanetary features (78) NanitesThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable source of nanites.
Planetary features (79)Astral Threads DepositPlanetary features (80) Astral ThreadsThis Habitat Complex is built near an exploitable astral threads deposit.

Anomaly features[]

These planetary features can be added by random anomalies on habitable planets.

Planetary features (81)Ancient Mining SiteIcy PlainsPlanetary features (82) +5 Max Mining DistrictsThe site of an ancient mining operation. Despite its age, much of the equipment can still be operated.
Planetary features (83)Ancient OneEchoes from the DeepPlanetary features (84) +4 Society ResearchAn ancient being, living deep beneath the waves, is the dominating life force on this planet.
Planetary features (85)Enigmatic RobotSigns of Ancient LifePlanetary features (86) +5 AlloysAn ancient and enigmatic little robot, supervising a factory which dates back to an earlier civilization.
Planetary features (87)Hyperfertile ValleySpotty GreeneryPlanetary features (88) +5 Max Agriculture DistrictsThe soil in this valley is extremely fertile, and it is covered in intense greenery.
Planetary features (89)Mutation VatsMutation Vats
  • Planetary features (90) +12 Society Research
  • Planetary features (91) +1 Exotic Gases
In a painful ceremonial procedure members of this post-nuclear exchange society on this planet would expose themselves to near-lethal doses of chemical mutagens, in the hopes of revealing their 'true selves'. The skeletal remains found at the bottom of many of these vats suggest not all supplicants survived the ordeal.
Planetary features (92)Toy Factory ComplexWhat Hums in the Night
  • Planetary features (93) +10% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (94) +20% Engineering from Jobs
  • Planetary features (95) +2 Researcher Jobs
Complex machinery ceaselessly molds complex polymers into small items of varying shapes and inscrutable purposes.
Planetary features (96)Weapon Extraction FacilitySpontaneous ExplosionsPlanetary features (97) +10% Engineering from JobsThe facility possesses ancient weapons from caches left by a lost civilization.
Planetary features (98)Abandoned Primitive HomesteadsPlanetary features (99) Abandoned Settlements
  • Planetary features (100) +10% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (101) +2 Max Agriculture Districts
These abandoned homesteads were once inhabited by a society of reptiles. They still populate the planet, but have since lost all capacity for sapient thought.
Planetary features (102)Flooded MoundsPlanetary features (103)Deep Tunnels
  • Planetary features (104) +20% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (105) +2 Researcher Jobs
The soil in this valley is extremely fertile, and it is covered in intense greenery.
Planetary features (106)Harvester FieldsPlanetary features (107) Peculiar PatternsPlanetary features (108) +6 Max Agriculture DistrictsVast fields of dense, edible vegetation where ancient solar-powered harvesters assist in gathering crops.
Planetary features (109)NanosandsPlanetary features (110) Metallic Sands
  • Planetary features (111) +2 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (112) +2 Max Districts
The sand dunes on this planet are almost entirely composed of countless broken nanites. Their structure is degraded far beyond any chance for reactivation, but they do coat the planet in rare metal granulate.
Planetary features (113)Savage WildlandsPlanetary features (114) Alien Life
  • Planetary features (115) +10% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (116) +1 Researcher Jobs
These indigenous creatures who inhabit this region appear to operate as a single organism.
Planetary features (117)Wetware ComputerPlanetary features (118) Wetware Computer
  • Planetary features (119) +20% Engineering from Jobs
  • Planetary features (120) +2 Researcher Jobs
The oceans on this world are almost completely covered in a fine network of algae that appear to be a primitive wetware computer.
Planetary features (121)Zone APlanetary features (122) Isolated Ruin
  • Planetary features (123) +3 Unity
  • Planetary features (124) +10% Physics from Jobs
  • Planetary features (125) +2 Researcher Jobs
A thirteen-by-thirteen kilometer stretch of land on this planet is a ruin of unknown origin, littered with many bizarre and unique alien artifacts. Bafflingly, it also produces sensations of deep contentment in its visitors.

Decision features[]

These planetary features can be added by certain decisions on owned planets.

Planetary features (126)Dayside Solar Farm
  • Planetary features (127) Day Farm Construction
  • Planetary features (128) Expand Dayside Infrastructure
Planetary features (129) +30% Energy from JobsThis world has all its solar power set up on the dayside of its tidally locked hemispheres, granting it access to an unlimited amount of solar hours.
Planetary features (130)Former Relic WorldPlanetary features (131) Restore EcumenopolisPlanetary features (132) +10% Research from JobsThis ecumenopolis was once an abandoned Relic World. Most of the old ruins were repurposed or cleared away when the planet-wide city was rebuilt, but there are still many sites that are of scientific value.
Planetary features (133)Tree of Life SaplingPlanetary features (134) Transplant Tree of Life
  • Planetary features (135) +5 Housing
  • Planetary features (136) +10% Pop Growth Speed
  • Planetary features (137) +10% Society Research from Jobs
  • Planetary features (138) +2 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Planetary features (139) 2 Food Upkeep
  • Planetary features (140) Destroyed at 50 Devastation
An offshot of the Great Tree, transplanted here by the Hive. It will take millennia for it to fully mature.Planetary features (141)
Planetary features (142)Project CornucopiaPlanetary features (143) Project Cornucopia
  • Planetary features (144) +4 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (145) +5% Minerals from jobs
  • Planetary features (146) −20% Habitability
Near-endless resources are at our fingertips, if we have the courage to seize them. Just think of what wonders we could build if we conquer our fear.Planetary features (147)
Planetary features (148)Prospectorium Strip MinePlanetary features (149) Strip MiningPlanetary features (150) +2 Max Mining DistrictsAn expertly built mining complex, making efficient use of the local resources.Planetary features (151)
Planetary features (152)Dimensional Manipulation DevicePlanetary features (153) Activate Dimensional Manipulation Device
  • Planetary features (154) +50% Max Districts
  • Planetary features (155) +1 Housing per Order Demesne district
  • Planetary features (156) +0.5 Building Slots per Order Demesne district
  • Planetary features (157) −1 Dark Matter
A device stolen from the fae Syamelle, it can manipulate the very dimensions and render what appears small to be more spacious.Planetary features (158)
Planetary features (159)Memorial to the UnshackledPlanetary features (160) Memorial to the UnshackledPlanetary features (161) +2 Culture Worker JobsA public memorial and museum constructed around the remains of the crashed slaver ship. The inscription over the entrance reads: "Memory is the cradle of freedom."Planetary features (162)
Planetary features (163)Fractal SeedPlanetary features (164) Fractal SeedPlanetary features (165) +1 Building SlotsThese transparent globes recovered from beyond an Astral Rift are able to bend themselves into an extra dimension, increasing the effective size of their surrounding space. We should place them carefully.Planetary features (166)
Planetary features (167)Incubate Wind CreaturesPlanetary features (168) Incubate Wind CreaturesPlanetary features (169) +5 Max Generator DistrictsIntroduce a species of beneficial wind creatures to this planet's atmosphere.Planetary features (170)
Planetary features (171)Microplanet MemorialPlanetary features (172) Display Microplanet Husk
  • Planetary features (173) +10 Stability
  • Planetary features (174) −30 Crime
This grim monument is a reminder to the populace of our capacity for cruelty in the face of dissidence.Planetary features (175)
Planetary features (176)Rockworm HivePlanetary features (177) Rockworm HivePlanetary features (178) +5 Max Mining DistrictsThe young Rockworms recovered from beyond the Astral Rift can be carefully trained to carve extensive mining tunnels. What could go wrong?Planetary features (179)

Event features[]

These planetary features do not naturally generate on planets. They can be created exclusively by certain events and controllable factors.

Planetary features (180)Ancient Bombardment CratersWhat Happened Here
(20% chance)
  • Planetary features (181) +20% Physics from Jobs
  • Planetary features (182) +2 Researcher Jobs
This world was subjected to intense orbital bombardment long ago. Parts of the surface are still pockmarked with impact craters.
Planetary features (183)Ancient BattlefieldWhat Happened Here
(20% chance)
  • Planetary features (184) +20% Engineering from Jobs
  • Planetary features (185) +2 Researcher Jobs
The civilization that once inhabited this world was destroyed by an invading force from somewhere beyond their solar system. This ancient battlefield is littered with ancient debris from their desperate last stand.
Planetary features (186)Irradiated RuinsWhat Happened Here
(20% chance)
  • Planetary features (187) +20% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (188) +2 Researcher Jobs
Remnants from a massive nuclear war waged by the two global superpowers that once inhabited this world.
Planetary features (189)Cave Shroom VeinsFeral Overload event chain
(Exterminate the Cave Mushrooms special project)
  • Planetary features (190) +3 Cave Cleaner Jobs
  • Planetary features (191) +1 Cave Cleaner Job per 20 pops
Ridding the caverns of fungus revealed rich mineral veins.
Planetary features (192)Spore VentsFeral Overload event chain
(Utilize the Cave Mushrooms special project)
  • Planetary features (193) +2 Gas Plant Engineer Jobs
  • Planetary features (194) +1 Gas Plant Engineer Job per 20 pops
Shroom spores can be refined for industrial use.
Planetary features (195)Migrating ForestsMigrating Forests event chain
  • Planetary features (196) −1 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Planetary features (197) −1 Max Generator Districts
  • Planetary features (198) −1 Max Mining Districts
The mobile forests of this world frequently migrate en masse to new regions, disrupting efforts at building roads, power lines and other infrastructure.
Planetary features (199)Migrating Forests ReserveMigrating Forests event chain
(Study Migrating Forests special project)
  • Planetary features (200) +20% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (201) +2 Researcher Jobs
This entire region has been set aside for the migrating forests that are native to this world. Here they can roam in peace, without causing damage to urban centers.
Planetary features (202)Subterranean Contact ZoneSubterranean Civilization event chain
(Establish Communications special project)
  • Planetary features (203) +2 Max Generator Districts
  • Planetary features (204) +2 Max Districts
  • Planetary features (205) +1 Subterranean Liaison Officer Job
  • Planetary features (206) +1 Subterranean Liaison Officer Job per 20 pops
An area where Subterranean dwellers and Surfacers can work together towards peace and prosperity.
Planetary features (207)Subterranean Farming CavernsSubterranean Civilization event chain
(Preemptive Strike special project)
  • Planetary features (208) +3 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Planetary features (209) +2 Max Districts
A network of vast caverns which contain numerous fungal farms, hunting areas, and lakes teeming with edible flora and fauna.
Planetary features (210)Subterranean Generator AreasSubterranean Civilization event chain
(Preemptive Strike special project)
  • Planetary features (211) +3 Max Generator Districts
  • Planetary features (212) +2 Max Districts
Subterranean rivers and the geothermal energy from the molten core of the planet offer vast potential for energy generation.
Planetary features (213)Subterranean Mining SitesSubterranean Civilization event chain
(Preemptive Strike special project)
  • Planetary features (214) +3 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (215) +2 Max Districts
Underground tunnels lead to a variety of mineral-rich ore veins inaccessible from the surface.
Planetary features (216)Juvenile NemmaUnsteady Ground event chain
  • Planetary features (217) +1 Max Districts
  • Planetary features (218) +2.5% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (219) −2 Food
A young Nemma which we have bred and is now large enough to be capable of carrying some of our industry.
Planetary features (220)Nemma Mining OperationUnsteady Ground event chain
(Start the Nemma Mining Operation special project)
  • Planetary features (221) +1 Nemma Miner Job
  • Planetary features (222) +1 Nemma Miner Job per 25 pops
The careful balance of drugs and pain inhibitors allows us to drill into the Nemmas while still residing on them.
Planetary features (223)Lotus CorrieImpossible Corrie event chainPlanetary features (224) +20% Physics from JobsAn improbable geological feature has emerged. Strange and reflective crystal deposits line its curved walls.
Planetary features (225)Blue Lotus PrototypeImpossible Corrie event chainPlanetary features (226) +1 Transmuter JobThis highly experimental facility seeks to transmute everyday silicates into useful alloys.
Planetary features (227)Blue Lotus CraterImpossible Corrie event chain
  • Planetary features (228) +1 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (229) +2 Alloys
Site of an accidental, runaway transmutation of rock and other matter into a single, precious alloy.
Planetary features (230)Blue Lotus FacilityImpossible Corrie event chain
(Blue Lotus Facility special project)
Planetary features (231) +2 Transmuter JobAn industrial-scale facility which transmutes everyday silicates into useful alloys.
Planetary features (232)Blue Lotus RuinImpossible Corrie event chain
(Blue Lotus Facility special project)
Planetary features (233) +1 AlloysRuined site of a once-promising, experimental facility for transmuting rock and other matter into alloys. Nothing now remains, save this minor seam.
Planetary features (234)Destroyed VaultHidden Vault event chain
  • Planetary features (235) +1 Minerals
  • Planetary features (236) +1 Alloys
All that remains of the vault is a crater filled with machinery and debris. Although most of it is now useless, it provides easy access to recyclable materials.
Planetary features (237)Manufactorium ScrapyardHidden Vault event chainPlanetary features (238) +2 Dismantler JobsSpecialized salvaging yards are dismantling the old machinery and turning the scraps into useful materials.
Planetary features (239)Operational ManufactoriumHidden Vault event chain
  • Planetary features (240) +1 Operator Job
  • Planetary features (241) +1 Operator Job per 25 pops
An alien Manufactorium, fully operational and producing precious resources for the empire.
Planetary features (242)Mutant LandfillAbandoned Terraforming Equipment event chain
  • Planetary features (243) +20% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (244) +2 Researcher Jobs
A putrid mass of dead mutated horrors. Their volatile organic matter has twisted together to form a structure of sorts.
Planetary features (245)Titanic LifeformsTitanic Life event chainPlanetary features (246) −1 Max Districts
Planetary features (247) +4 Society Research
Numerous Titanic aliens make this area their home, it would be wise to avoid it.
Planetary features (248)Underground VaultUnderground Vault event chain
  • Planetary features (249) +20% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (250) +2 Researcher Jobs
A massive underground vault, intended as a bomb shelter by this world's original inhabitants. The vault's occupants turned on each other when their food ran out.
Planetary features (251)Metallic PuddlesMetallic Puddles event chain
  • Planetary features (252) +3 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Planetary features (253) +1 Puddle Technician Job
Rare meteorology allows Puddle Technicians to harvest food and alloys simultaneously.
Planetary features (254)Party FeverDancing Plague event chainPlanetary features (255) +15% Pop Growth SpeedSomething about this planet induces feelings of exhilaration and the irresistible urge to dance, as well as certain aphrodisiac urges. This has made the world a prime destination for partygoers young and old who seek to shed their inhibitions and experience the thrill of the planet's perpetual dancing festivals with abandon.
Planetary features (256)Portal Research AreaThe Doorway event chain
  • Planetary features (257) +1 Dimensional Portal Researcher Job
  • Planetary features (258) +1 Dimensional Portal Researcher Job per 25 pops
A secure complex has been built around the Dimensional Portal to house research staff dedicated to probing its mysteries.
Planetary features (259)Fungal Study ZoneNo One ListensPlanetary features (260) +15% Society Research from JobsThe 'spying' mushrooms found here are an endless source of cryptic insights into their strange biology, and how they connect to one another.
Planetary features (261)Impact CraterSpace BountyPlanetary features (262) +3 Max Mining DistrictsA crater from a large meteor impact. Minerals from the meteor itself can still be found at the site.
Planetary features (263)Nanite Swarm RemainsOn the Origin of Nanites
(Destroy the Swarm special project)
  • Planetary features (264) +3 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (265) +2 Max Crystal Mines
A fine powder of all that remains of the massive nanite swarm that evolved on - and once covered, Parvus III
Planetary features (266)Odd FactoryAn Odd FactorPlanetary features (267) +1 Odd Factory Worker JobA well-crafted facility that produces high value resources, left on the planet by a different civilization.
Planetary features (268)Ancient Particle AcceleratorRuined Particle Accelerator
  • Planetary features (269) +20% Physics from Jobs
  • Planetary features (270) +2 Researcher Jobs
This old particle accelerator was built using a novel design, and the surviving terminals within the structure contain a massive amount of research data composed by what must have been a brilliant theoretical physicist.
Planetary features (271)Living Snow ReserveUnusual Snow situation
(Observe it Peacefully approach)
  • Planetary features (272) +20% Physics Research from Jobs
  • Planetary features (273) +20% Society Research from Jobs
  • Planetary features (274) −2 Max Districts
A reservation where the Living Snow can live in peace and explore its new state of being. And where, in turn, we can observe the unique chemical reactions it is able to produce.
Planetary features (275)Space-Time AnomalyThe Mysterious Labyrinth situation
(Explore its Interior / Monitor it from Afar approach)
  • Planetary features (276) +1 Space-Time Anomaly Researcher Job
  • Planetary features (277) +1 Space-Time Anomaly Researcher Job per 25 pops
A remarkably stable space-time anomaly left behind by an extradimensional species which conducted research on the planet. The scientific implications of its existence are, apparently, quite profound.
Planetary features (278)Machine Interface CenterGeomagnetic Storm situation
  • Planetary features (279) +1 Bio-Assistant Job
  • Planetary features (280) +1 Bio-Assistant Job per 25 pops
A specialized center where malfunctioning drones are paired with biological assistants.
Planetary features (281)Archaeological SiteArchaeological Site discoveryPlanetary features (282) −1 Max DistrictsThis area contains ancient archaeological finds that are being excavated.
Planetary features (283)Loop-Plowed FarmHorizon Signal event chainPlanetary features (284) +4 Max Agriculture DistrictsThe food crops lean into the wind, somehow.
Planetary features (285)Spiral-Hewn MineHorizon Signal event chainPlanetary features (286) +4 Max Mining DistrictsNarrow shafts twist around spiraling mineral veins.
Planetary features (287)Minor Artifacts DepositPlanetary features (288) Archaeological site outcomesPlanetary features (289) +1 Minor ArtifactsArchaeological sites on this planet have already been extensively researched, but many objects of lesser value yet remain to be studied here.
Planetary features (290)Myrmeku Power FarmsPlanetary features (291)Planetary features (292) Myrmeku Activity event chain
  • Planetary features (293) +1 Myrmeku Power Drone Job
  • Planetary features (294) +1 Myrmeku Power Drone Job per 20 pops
These tiny insects generate power for us to harness.
Planetary features (295)Shrouded CraterPlanetary features (296)Planetary features (297) Eater of Worlds feeding
(30% chance)
  • Planetary features (298) +6 Physics Research
  • Planetary features (299) +6 Society Research
  • Planetary features (300) −5 Stability
  • Planetary features (301) −2 Max Districts
Part of this planet has been devoured by a shroud entity. The remaining crater is home to swirling purple mists, and people tend to disappear in the vicinity.
Planetary features (302)Radiotrophic PreservePlanetary features (303) Radioactive Flora event
  • Planetary features (304) +5% Society from Jobs
  • Planetary features (305) +3 Entertainer Jobs
An isolated area filled with low pressure and a very radioactive atmosphere keeps the natives of this world alive.
Planetary features (306)Cryonic Clones MonumentPlanetary features (307) Clones in CryostasisPlanetary features (308) +6 Society ResearchHundreds of alien clones were left sealed in cryostasis chambers when this Ring World was still a ruin. Now fully restored, the clones have been preserved in this monument.
Planetary features (309)Processing PensPlanetary features (310) Wild EukaryotesPlanetary features (311) +14 FoodThe fungoids native to this planet were genetically engineered to be docile... and delicious. In these vast processing pens, the fungoids are nourished and then harvested.
Planetary features (312)Numa's BreathPlanetary features (313) Numistic Order caravan deal
  • Planetary features (314) +3 Max Generator Districts
  • Planetary features (315) +2 Max Districts
This stable vent reaching into the planet's crust was created by The Numistic Order.
Planetary features (316)SentinelsPlanetary features (317) The Sentinels archaeological site outcome
  • Planetary features (318) −1 Max Districts
  • Planetary features (319) +10% Unity
The Sentinels guard this land; it may not be disturbed. The Sentinels counts as Defense Armies, and will come to the planet's aid if there's an invasion.
Planetary features (320)Sentinels MetalPlanetary features (321) Defeating The SentinelsPlanetary features (322) +2 Living MetalThe broken remains of nine monumental automatons made from an unusual metal alloy offer an ample supply of Living Metal.
Planetary features (323)Federation MonumentPlanetary features (324) Hegemony joint operationPlanetary features (325) +0.5 Monthly InfluenceThis spaceborne monument stands witness to the unity, strength and splendor of the interstellar federation that constructed it.
Planetary features (326)Feeding DragonPlanetary features (327) Sky Dragon feeding
  • Planetary features (328) +10 Stability
  • Planetary features (329) +6 Unity
  • Planetary features (330) −15 Food
The mighty Sky Dragon has landed, and is proceeding to devour its way through a startling amount of food.
Planetary features (331)Crashed Cargo ShipPlanetary features (332) The Bickering Admirals
  • Planetary features (333) +2 Minerals
  • Planetary features (334) −10% Housing
The cargo ship destroyed a housing district, but opened up an unexpected mineral vein.
Planetary features (335)Crystalline RemainsPlanetary features (336) Unexpected Mineral Seams event chain
  • Planetary features (337) +12 Unity
  • Planetary features (338) +20% Minerals from Jobs
  • Planetary features (339) +3 Crystal Miner Jobs
The broken remains of the crystalline entity that dwelled under the crust of this world. Its many tentacles all turned into rich mineral veins.
Planetary features (340)Shattered Crystalline RemainsPlanetary features (341) Unexpected Mineral Seams event chainPlanetary features (342) +1 Crystal Miner JobThe broken remains of the crystalline entity that dwelled under the crust of this world. Its many tentacles all turned into rich mineral veins.
Planetary features (343)FreeportPlanetary features (344) Observation eventPlanetary features (345) +2 Merchant JobsAn area dedicated to intergalactic trade with pre-FTL countries.
Planetary features (346)Remote HoldingsPlanetary features (347) Observation eventPlanetary features (348) +2 Max DistrictsWe have acquired possessions, and are managing them remotely.
Planetary features (349)Arcane DevicePlanetary features (350) Open Arms agenda with luminary effect
  • Planetary features (351) +8 Alloys
  • Planetary features (352) −4 Energy
This ancient machine is nestled deep within government vaults on our planet. A relic of the ingenuity of our beloved ruler, its matter replication technology remains incomprehensible to us.

Homeworld features[]

These features can only be found on empire homeworlds:

Planetary features (353)Massive CraterPlanetary features (354) Calamitous Birth origin
  • Planetary features (355) +50% Lithoid traits effects
  • Planetary features (356) +6 Max Districts
  • Planetary features (357) +6 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (358) −6 Max Agriculture Districts
The impact site of the meteorite which brought Lithoids to this planet.Planetary features (359)
Planetary features (360)Consolidated ResourcesPlanetary features (361) Resource Consolidation originPlanetary features (362) +25 MineralsThe refined minerals wealth of an entire Solar System is gathered here in continent-sized piles.Planetary features (363)
Planetary features (364)Metal BoneyardsPlanetary features (365) Machine Intelligence authority
  • Planetary features (366) +4 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (367) +10% Society Research from Jobs
The hollowed-out metal skeletons of fallen infrastructure seem almost to groan as the wind whistles through them.Planetary features (368)
Planetary features (369)Organic Landfills
  • Planetary features (372) +4 Max Generator Districts
  • Planetary features (373) +10% Society Research from Jobs
Toxic biohazard waste rots and fumes in vast heaps under the sun.Planetary features (374)
Planetary features (375)Arcane ReplicatorPlanetary features (376) Void Dwellers origin
  • Planetary features (377) +20 Alloys
  • Planetary features (378) +10 Consumer Goods
This ancient machine is nestled deep within the habitat's interior, built into its main reactor from where it also draws its power. A relic of whomever originally built this habitat, its matter replication technology is utterly incomprehensible to us. Planetary features (379)
Planetary features (380)A Blight Upon the LandPlanetary features (381) Knights of the Toxic God origin
  • Starts with Planetary features (382) −1 max districts
  • Based on situation choices, can be changed to:
    • Planetary features (383) +15% Unity from jobs
    • Planetary features (384) +5% Citizen pop happiness (empire-wide)
It is said that in this place, the Deity first smote the land in anger. Little remains of what once was here.Planetary features (385)
Planetary features (386)Envenomed SeasPlanetary features (387) Knights of the Toxic God origin
  • Starts with Planetary features (388) −1 max districts
  • Based on situation choices, can be changed to:
    • Planetary features (389) +1 Max districts
    • Planetary features (390) +3 Gas Extractor jobs
Not even the seas were spared the Deity's baneful touch.Planetary features (391)
Planetary features (392)Pestilential WastelandPlanetary features (393) Knights of the Toxic God origin
  • Starts with Planetary features (394) −1 max districts
  • Based on situation choices, can be changed to:
    • Planetary features (395) +1 Max districts
    • Planetary features (396) +5% Resources from jobs
Not all could enjoy the blessings of the Deity. Large areas of land were ruined by its passing, never to recover.Planetary features (397)
Planetary features (398)Pools Most VenomousPlanetary features (399) Knights of the Toxic God origin
  • Starts with Planetary features (400) −1 max districts
  • Based on situation choices, can be changed to:
    • Planetary features (401) +10% Research from jobs
    • Planetary features (402) +10% Ship weapons damage (empire-wide)
Left in the Deity's wake are many pools most venomous, from which remnants of Its toxins may be recovered.Planetary features (403)
Planetary features (404)Swarms of the DeityPlanetary features (405) Knights of the Toxic God origin
  • Starts with Planetary features (406) −1 max districts
  • Based on situation choices, can be changed to:
    • Planetary features (407) +25% Food from jobs
    • Planetary features (408) +20% Strike craft attack speed (empire-wide)
In the Deity's wake, insects previously unknown to this world spread rapidly, coming to thrive in many of the affected areas. Their pestilent presence continues to test us as we seek to cultivate these lands.Planetary features (409)
Planetary features (410)Crashed Slaver ShipPlanetary features (411) Broken Shackles originPlanetary features (412) +6 Max Scavenger SitesWhile debris from the crash is scattered across a massive area, enough of the ship has survived that scavenging it for parts may be of value.Planetary features (413)
Planetary features (414)Tree of LifePlanetary features (415) Tree of Life origin
  • Planetary features (416) +10 Housing
  • Planetary features (417) +15% Pop Growth Speed
  • Planetary features (418) +10% Society Research from Jobs
  • Planetary features (419) +4 Max Agriculture Districts
  • Planetary features (420) 4 Food Upkeep
  • Planetary features (421) Destroyed at 50 Devastation
The Great Tree has sheltered and supported the Hive for untold generations.Planetary features (422)
Planetary features (423)Progenitor NestPlanetary features (424) Progenitor Hive origin
  • Planetary features (425) +20% Amenities
  • Planetary features (426) +5 Stability
  • Planetary features (427) +1 Monthly Organic Pop Assembly
  • Planetary features (428) Moving the capital relocates the planetary feature
The Progenitor's nest, where every single Offspring is born. Planetary features (429)
Planetary features (430)

Earth features[]

Earth has a set of custom planetary features when selected as the empire homeworld, detailing its history before the events of Stellaris.

Planetary features (431)Delhi SprawlPlanetary features (432) +2 Max Generator DistrictsLakshmi Commerce Tower was the tallest building on Earth for the better part of the 22nd century, and its unique shape remains an iconic feature of the Delhi skyline.
Planetary features (433)BosWash Metropolitan AxisPlanetary features (434) +3 Max Generator DistrictsThe BosWash Riots traumatized an entire generation and led to sweeping legal reforms. Never Forget!
Planetary features (435)Pearl River AgglomeratePlanetary features (436) +3 Max Generator DistrictsThe first region on Earth to be officially designated a megacity. Several other developing urban regions would eventually adopt their own versions of the Golden Delta's successful anti-pollution policies.
Planetary features (437)Mauritanian Security ZonePlanetary features (438) +1 Max Mining DistrictsUnexploded munitions are still occasionally found near the compound where Colonel Tetchu and the remnants of his brigade made their famous last stand.
Planetary features (439)Mesopotamian Urban CorridorPlanetary features (440) +3 Max Mining DistrictsThe megalopolis that stretches along most of the Fertile Crescent is in itself a monument to this ancient birthplace of civilization.
Planetary features (441)Great Albertan CraterPlanetary features (442) +3 Max Mining DistrictsWhen 711494 Satis approached Earth and triggered the Great Panic of '72, everyone thought this was it - the Big One had finally arrived. Fortunately, it wasn't big enough to cause an extinction event. Unfortunately, it wiped out much of Alberta.
Planetary features (443)Scandinavian Reclamation SectorPlanetary features (444) +1 Max Agriculture DistrictsReclamation efforts in the late 22nd century eliminated all but the most stubborn pockets of radiation, and mutation levels are now at an all-time low since the Containment Breach.
Planetary features (445)Saharan Irrigation ProjectPlanetary features (446) +4 Max Agriculture DistrictsFew today remember the vicious ridicule that Operation Green Sahara faced when it was first proposed by Professor Izquierdo.
Planetary features (447)Pacific Algae TractsPlanetary features (448) +3 Max Agriculture DistrictsInvisible until you plunge beneath the waves, the algae tracts seem to stretch into infinity.

Unique features[]

These features can only be found on certain planets in the galaxy.

Planetary features (449)Abandoned Mining TunnelsPlanetary features (450) Relic WorldsPlanetary features (451) +6 Max Mining DistrictsMany of the ruins on the planet's surface were built by minerals extracted from these tunnels. Although most have been mined to depletion, there are still several with rich yields.
Planetary features (452)Ancient Reactor PitsPlanetary features (453) Relic WorldsPlanetary features (454) +6 Max Generator DistrictsThese deep pits near the planet's equator once housed its primary energy generators. Much of the surprisingly sturdy infrastructure has survived, and new reactors can be slotted into it.
Planetary features (455)Central SpirePlanetary features (456) Relic Worlds
  • Planetary features (457) +15% Research from Jobs
  • Planetary features (458) +8 Researcher Jobs
This towering structure appears to have served as the administrative center of the planet. Its central location and mostly intact interior provides an unmatched opportunity to research this world.
Planetary features (459)Dense RuinsPlanetary features (460) Relic Worlds
  • Planetary features (461) +15% Research from Jobs
  • Planetary features (462) −6 Max Districts
The study of the dense ruins that cover this Relic World are a boon to science, but their presence also limits the amount of livable space.
Planetary features (463)Immense Solar ArrayPlanetary features (464) Relic WorldsPlanetary features (465) +3 Max Generator DistrictsThis solar array is nearly the size of a small continent. Most of it has been smashed beyond repair, but the underlying power infrastructure has survived, making it a good site for energy production.
Planetary features (466)Industrial SectorPlanetary features (467) Relic Worlds
  • Planetary features (468) +2 Max Crystal Mines
  • Planetary features (469) +2 Max Gas Extraction Wells
  • Planetary features (470) +2 Max Mote Harvesting Traps
This entire region once served as as the industrial heartland of the planet. The factories and refineries that are operated here have long stopped working, but vast amounts of scattered resources can still be found in the area.
Planetary features (471)Ancient Sunken CityPlanetary features (472) Polaris II
  • Planetary features (473) +3 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (474) +10% Industrial District Build Speed
The cities of the Polarians once covered the frozen ocean before their icy foundations melted away.
Planetary features (475)Valley of ZanaamPlanetary features (476) Zanaam
  • Planetary features (477) +30% Research from Jobs
  • Planetary features (478) +4 Researcher Jobs
This Valley is home to a mysterious obelisk that is covered in letters from a dead alien language. It hums with power and those in its proximity suffer headaches.
Planetary features (479)PromenadePlanetary features (480) Star Mall
  • Planetary features (481) +25% Trade Value
  • Planetary features (482) +10% Biological Pop Happiness
This enormous, multi-level hub serves as the station's central shopping area, with easy connections to commercial outlets, nutrition courts, and spas.
  • Planetary features (483)
  • Planetary features (484)
Planetary features (485)Organic Slurry
  • Planetary features (486) Machine Worlds
  • Planetary features (487) Biological Pop present when terraforming completes
Planetary features (488) +15 FoodAn ocean of organic slurry, the processed remains of the former biomass of a planet.Planetary features (489)
Planetary features (490)Irradiated ValleyPlanetary features (491) Superflares system tomb worldPlanetary features (492) +3 Max Generator DistrictsThe solarflare has washed this isolated valley with heavy radiation.Planetary features (493)
Planetary features (494)Junk CanalsPlanetary features (495) Junk Rattlings planetsPlanetary features (496) +3 Max Agriculture DistrictsThese narrow canals shake around the junk piles, and some adjacent soil is surprisingly fertile.Planetary features (497)
Planetary features (498)Junk HollowsPlanetary features (499) Junk Rattlings planetsPlanetary features (500) +3 Max Generator DistrictsThese hollows deep beneath the surface junk would serve well as isolated reactor chambers.Planetary features (501)
Planetary features (502)Junk WastesPlanetary features (503) Junk Rattlings planetsPlanetary features (504) +3 Max Mining DistrictsThe wastes stretch as far as one can see, with occasional pieces of larger junk jutting up out of the ground.Planetary features (505)
Planetary features (506)Order's X-CalibratorPlanetary features (507) Habitat created by the toxic god origin
  • Planetary features (508) +40% Habitability
  • Planetary features (509) +8 Energy
The Order's most revered relic, sustaining the entire Keep.Planetary features (510)
Planetary features (511)Atmospheric InfuserPlanetary features (512) Recovered AssetPlanetary features (513) +40% HabitabilityThese ventilation units combine the latest advances in aromatherapy with advanced chemistry to mask the malodorous stench of despair and replace it with a variety of invigorating and delightful scents.Planetary features (514)
Planetary features (515)Technological CachePlanetary features (516) Recovered Asset
  • Planetary features (517) +8 Max Zero-G Research Districts
  • Planetary features (518) +10% Research from Jobs
  • Planetary features (519) +2 Researcher Jobs
The interior of the former MSI warship provides us with an unmatched opportunity to unlock the secrets of their technology.Planetary features (520)
Planetary features (521)Aggressive FloraPlanetary features (522) Taprib IIPlanetary features (523) +1 Max Agriculture DistrictsAggressive flora has overgrown this land, hunting for prey. Security-oriented personnel are issued to keep the overgrowth in check.Planetary features (524)
Planetary features (525)Aggressive WildlifePlanetary features (526) Taprib IIPlanetary features (527) +1 Max Agriculture DistrictsAggressive wildlife scours the land on the hunt for prey. Settlements need increased protection to curtail this threat.Planetary features (528)
Planetary features (529)Crashed ShipsPlanetary features (530) Ivusheh II
  • Planetary features (531) +1 Housing
  • Planetary features (532) −1 Max Districts
  • Planetary features (533) −5% Minerals from Jobs
Old ships litter the planet, inhibiting the potential mining operations in the area. Though, they provide an easily accessible source of alloys.Planetary features (534)
Planetary features (535)Fallen ShipyardPlanetary features (536) Ivusheh II
  • Planetary features (537) +8 Housing
  • Planetary features (538) +3 Max Generator Districts
  • Planetary features (539) +3 Max Mining Districts
An old orbital shipyard smashed onto the planet. It contains a lot of valuable resources that could be extracted and studied.Planetary features (540)
Planetary features (541)Volcanic ActivityPlanetary features (542) Vapob II
  • Planetary features (543) +3 Max Mining Districts
  • Planetary features (544) +1 Max Mote Harvesting Traps
Active volcanoes melt underground mineral deposits, allowing for far easier resource acquisition.Planetary features (545)
Planetary features (546)Ancient FacilitiesPlanetary features (547) Sursect IPlanetary features (548) +3 Max Generator DistrictsThese ancient facilities contain research data on pulsars, shielding technology, and extracting energy from the most dangerous suns.Planetary features (549)
Planetary features (550)Scarred LandPlanetary features (551) Sursect IPlanetary features (552) +2 Energy from TechniciansScarred lands and burnt-out wastelands are impossible to use outside of harnessing the potential power from the constant pulsar flares.Planetary features (553)


Blockers are obstacles that reduce Planetary features (554) District Cap and may block some planetary features from being exploited. They can be cleared by spending resources and time and some of them may have rewards when cleared. Clearing can be done while the planet is being colonized or after the colony is completed.

Blockers have a Planetary features (555) yellow border if they can be removed and a Planetary features (556) red border if they cannot be removed due to missing technology or other requirements.

If a natural planet is terraformed into a planet class other than Planetary features (557) Ecumenopolis, all of its blockers are cleared and rewards are given. If it was terraformed into Planetary features (558) Hive World or Planetary features (559) Machine World, the planetary feature it unblocks will be lost.

Even if the planet doesn't need more districts or the bonuses provided by whatever feature is being blocked, it can be worth clearing a blocker just to increase the district cap, except in machine empires. The reason is that pop growth is dependent in part on planet capacity, which is influenced by district cap.

Natural blockers[]

These blockers can be found on habitable planets. Most of them require a certain Planetary features (560) New Worlds technology to be cleared. Planetary features (561) Ranger jobs will produce additional resources for each natural blocker.

BlockerEffectsPlanetary features (562) Ranger productionSpawn chancePlanetary features (563) Blocker removalDescription
Planetary features (564)Active VolcanoPlanetary features (565) −2 Max districtsPlanetary features (566) +1 Energy5Planetary features (570) Deep Crust EngineeringPlanetary features (571) 1000Planetary features (572) 270There is an active volcano in this region, spewing forth lava and volcanic gases.
Planetary features (573)Impassable MountainsPlanetary features (574) −2 Max districtsPlanetary features (575) +1 Minerals5Planetary features (579) Planetary ResurfacingPlanetary features (580) 1000Planetary features (581) 270A vast range of tall and impassable mountains stretches across this region.
Planetary features (582)Dangerous WildlifePlanetary features (586) +1 Society5Planetary features (589) Dangerous Wildlife RemovalPlanetary features (590) 500Planetary features (591) 270The wildlife in this region is particularly lethal, with many dangerous predators and poisonous plants.
Planetary features (592)Dense JunglePlanetary features (595) +0.5 Food10Planetary features (598) Selective DefoliantsPlanetary features (599) 500Planetary features (600) 180This entire region is completely overgrown with thick, impassable jungle.
Planetary features (601)Deep SinkholePlanetary features (604) +0.5 Energy10Planetary features (607) Subterranean ColonizationPlanetary features (608) 500Planetary features (609) 180A colossal sinkhole covers most of this region.
Planetary features (610)Massive GlacierPlanetary features (613) +0.5 Minerals10Planetary features (616) Climate Control NetworkPlanetary features (617) 500Planetary features (618) 180An immense body of dense ice covers this region.
Planetary features (619)Noxious SwampPlanetary features (622) +0.5 Food10Planetary features (624) Xeno-Hydraulic MasteryPlanetary features (625) 500Planetary features (626) 180Treacherous swamplands and bogs surrounded by putrid gases.
Planetary features (627)Quicksand BasinPlanetary features (630) +0.5 Minerals10Planetary features (632) Soil RemediationPlanetary features (633) 500Planetary features (634) 180A vast body of quicksand covers this region, making construction impossible.
Planetary features (635)Toxic KelpPlanetary features (638) +0.5 Food10Planetary features (640) Ocean Ecology ManagementPlanetary features (641) 500Planetary features (642) 180A thick forest of kelp that is toxic to most forms of life covers the ocean in this region.
Planetary features (643)Bomb Crater5Planetary features (647) 800Planetary features (648) 270This massive crater was created by the detonation of a particularly devastating hydrogen bomb.
Planetary features (649)City RuinsPlanetary features (650) −2 Max districts10Planetary features (652) 1200Planetary features (653) 360Once a great city, now just a metal boneyard stretching as far as the eye can see.
Planetary features (654)Radioactive Wasteland10Planetary features (658) 800Planetary features (659) 270Few organisms can survive in this desolate, irradiated wasteland.

Relic World blockers[]

There are a number of blockers that can be exclusively found on Planetary features (660) Relic Worlds. They are expensive but rewarding to remove.

BlockerRemoval costRemoval timeRewardsDescription
Planetary features (661)Collapsed SpirePlanetary features (662) 2000Planetary features (663) 480Planetary features (664) Central Spire planetary featureAn immense residential spire has collapsed under its own weight in this region, blocking access. While it was still standing, this towering structure must have been among the tallest on the planet.
Planetary features (665)Crumbling Mining TunnelsPlanetary features (666) 1000Planetary features (667) 270Planetary features (668) Abandoned Mining Tunnels planetary featureA network of deep tunnels beneath the planet's surface seem to have been its primary source of minerals. Millennia of cave-ins and rockfalls have left only a fraction of the tunnels traversable.
Planetary features (669)Flooded Reactor PitsPlanetary features (670) 1000Planetary features (671) 270Planetary features (672) Ancient Reactor Pits planetary featureThese deep pits appear to have once housed the planet's main energy production facilities. Over the eons, rain and flooding have filled the pits with murky water.
Planetary features (673)Massive CrevicePlanetary features (674) 1000Planetary features (675) 270Planetary features (676) Industrial Sector planetary featureThis region is divided by a vast crevice that cuts through what was once a dense urban zone. The ground here is extremely unstable, with frequent earthquakes and landslides.
Planetary features (677)Shattered Solar ArrayPlanetary features (678) 1000Planetary features (679) 270Planetary features (680) Immense Solar Array planetary featureThe shattered remains of some kind of colossal solar array. When it was still functional, it must have provided power to a significant portion of this planet.
Planetary features (681)Ruined Arcology
  • Planetary features (682) 750
  • Planetary features (683) 250
Planetary features (684) 270The Arcologies which cover this City-Planet lie in ruins. While the foundations are still solid, much of the decaying structure will need to be cleared before we can rebuild.

Shattered Ring World blockers[]

Planetary features (689) Shattered Ring Worlds that are not a homeworld (the ones created by the Guaranteed Habitable Worlds setting) will have a number of additional blockers that impair the functionality of the segment.

BlockerEffectsRemoval technologyRemoval costRemoval timeDescription
Planetary features (690)Malfunctioning Reactor
  • Planetary features (691) −5 Max districts
  • Planetary features (692) +100% Building and district energy upkeep
Planetary features (693) Zero Point Power
  • Planetary features (694) 2000
  • Planetary features (695) 1000
Planetary features (696) 720The reactor powering the various climate control and gravitational systems of this section is malfunctioning. Hazardous weather conditions and fluctuating gravity make it difficult to settle parts of this segment.
Planetary features (697)Faulty Diurnal Regulator
  • Planetary features (698) −2 Max districts
  • Planetary features (699) −25% Species habitability cap
Planetary features (700) Ion Thrusters
  • Planetary features (701) 300
  • Planetary features (702) 150
Planetary features (703) 360Massive panels regulating the day/night cycle of the segment have fallen out of orbit. Parts of this segment are constantly illuminated and have been scorched by centuries of exposure.
Planetary features (704)Shorting Power Grid
  • Planetary features (705) −2 Max districts
  • Planetary features (706) −25% Species habitability cap
Planetary features (707) Global Energy Management
  • Planetary features (708) 300
  • Planetary features (709) 150
Planetary features (710) 360The damaged power grid supplying this segment has frequent shorts and brownouts.
Planetary features (711)Unaligned Ring Gyros
  • Planetary features (712) −2 Max districts
  • Planetary features (713) −25% Species habitability cap
Planetary features (714) Starhold
  • Planetary features (715) 300
  • Planetary features (716) 150
Planetary features (717) 360Malfunctioning gyroscopes have shifted the position of this segment in the ring, twisting and collapsing several habitable areas.
Planetary features (718)Unstable Vacuum Fields
  • Planetary features (719) −2 Max districts
  • Planetary features (720) −25% Species habitability cap
Planetary features (721) Improved Deflectors
  • Planetary features (722) 300
  • Planetary features (723) 150
Planetary features (724) 360This area is subject to frequent decompressions as the force fields protecting it from the vacuum of space are unstable.

Detox blockers[]

Planetary features (725) Toxic Worlds that have been terraformed will have one of each of the following blockers. They give more penalties to the colony than regular blockers and take a year to remove.

BlockerEffectsRemoval costDescription
Planetary features (726)Poisonous Algae
  • Planetary features (727) −2 Max districts
  • Planetary features (728) −15% Food from Farmers
Planetary features (729) 1000This noxious algae survived the initial cleansing of this world. While it is not aggressive enough to prevent colonization, it has proven highly adaptable... and quite simply a nuisance.
Planetary features (730)Rotten SoilPlanetary features (731) −2 Building slotsPlanetary features (732) 1000Even this rotten soil will be useful to us, once it has been refreshed and reinvigorated.
Planetary features (733)Tainted Snowcaps
  • Planetary features (734) −2 Max districts
  • Planetary features (735) −5 Amenities
Planetary features (736) 1000The last toxic remains of the once enormous mountains of poison that dominated this world.
Planetary features (737)Unpleasant AtmospherePlanetary features (738) −5% HabitabilityPlanetary features (739) 500The disgusting taste and smell of the air are what remains of this planet's toxic past.
Planetary features (740)Venomous Insects
  • Planetary features (741) −1 Max districts
  • Planetary features (742) −2 Building slots
  • Planetary features (743) −10% Happiness
Planetary features (744) 1000The lost broods of venomous vermin that we had hoped to extinguish during the early days of our terraforming effort.

Homeworld blockers[]

Each empire homeworld start with at least three blockers that don't require technology to be removed. They reward either a Planetary features (745) pop or a planetary feature when cleared. The blocker types can vary based on government and origin.

BlockerEmpireRemoval costRemoval timeRewardsDescription
Planetary features (746)Sprawling SlumsPlanetary features (750) 300Planetary features (751) 120Planetary features (752) 1 PopThis region is covered by vast shanty towns and slums filled with the poor and the outcast. It contributes nothing to society.

Can be added by the Lost to Bureaucracy event

Planetary features (753)Collapsed BurrowsPlanetary features (754) Hive Mind authorityPlanetary features (755) 300Planetary features (756) 120Planetary features (757) 1 PopThis site once housed extensive underground tunnel systems inhabited by the Hive, but was abandoned due to overexploitation of local resources and wildlife.
Planetary features (758)Unsupervised SettlementPlanetary features (759) Rogue Servitor civicPlanetary features (760) 300Planetary features (761) 120Planetary features (762) 1 PopA pocket of organic society on this world still exists outside of machine supervision. Violence, disease and starvation runs rampant inside the settlement's walls, whose inhabitants have regressed technologically by several centuries.
Planetary features (763)Settled RuinsPlanetary features (764) Post-Apocalyptic originPlanetary features (765) 300Planetary features (766) 120Planetary features (767) 1 PopA scattered population of scavengers are eking out a desperate existence in the ruins of this once major city.
Planetary features (768)Lithoid MonolithsPlanetary features (772) 1000Planetary features (773) 360
  • Planetary features (774) 1 Pop if created by the same empire
  • Planetary features (775) 300 Minerals if created by another empire
Incredibly rich outcroppings of minerals that seem to be comprised of petrified lithoids.

If this planet is not empire homeworld, instead it costs Planetary features (776) 300

Planetary features (777)Buried LithoidsPlanetary features (778) Calamitous Birth originPlanetary features (779) 1000Planetary features (780) 360
  • Planetary features (781) 1 Pop if created by the same empire or overlord
  • Planetary features (782) 300 Minerals if created by another empire
These lithoids were driven deep into the ground when they fell from orbit.
  • Also appears on worlds colonized by a Lithoid Meteorite colony ship
  • If this planet is not empire homeworld, instead it costs 300 Planetary features (783)
Planetary features (784)Industrial WastelandPlanetary features (785) Organic main speciesPlanetary features (786) 300Planetary features (787) 120Planetary features (788) Random +2 planetary featuresThis region is covered by ruined industrial complexes and toxic soil; detritus from a past age of progress.

Can be added by the Lost to Bureaucracy event

Planetary features (789)Abandoned Strip MinePlanetary features (790) Machine Intelligence authorityPlanetary features (791) 300Planetary features (792) 120Planetary features (793) Random +2 planetary featuresThis area was heavily strip mined in the past, by older and more primitive machine models that unfortunately were not programmed to take future development of the region into account.
Planetary features (794)Radiation ZonePlanetary features (795) Post-Apocalyptic originPlanetary features (796) 300Planetary features (797) 120Planetary features (798) Random +3 planetary featuresA region that was the target of numerous nuclear warheads. Though the radiation in this area has gone down since the initial impact, it is still unfit for habitation barring a major clean-up effort.
Planetary features (799)Great Pacific Garbage PatchPlanetary features (800) Sol systemPlanetary features (801) 300Planetary features (802) 120Planetary features (803) Pacific Algae Tracts planetary featureA swirling miasma of plastic refuse covers a good portion of Earth's largest ocean.
Planetary features (804)Forgotten CivilizationPlanetary features (805) Deneb systemPlanetary features (806) 300Planetary features (807) 120Planetary features (808) Random +2 planetary featuresThe ruins of a forgotten civilization that lived here before us.
Planetary features (809)Long-Abandoned CityPlanetary features (810) Machine Intelligence authorityPlanetary features (811) 300Planetary features (812) 120Planetary features (813) Metal Boneyards planetary featureThe crumbling remains of what must once have been a major population center on the planet. No traces of its past inhabitants remain.
Planetary features (814)Former Organic CityPlanetary features (815) Determined Exterminator civicPlanetary features (816) 300Planetary features (817) 120Planetary features (818) Metal Boneyards planetary featureThe charred and irradiated ruins of what was once a major organic population center. Those buildings that still remain standing contain nothing but ashes now.
Planetary features (819)Silent RuinsPlanetary features (820) Driven Assimilator civicPlanetary features (821) 300Planetary features (822) 120Planetary features (823) Organic Landfills planetary featureThis once major settlement is now a crumbling ruin, occupied only by the decaying bodies of those organics that chose self-termination rather than be assimilated.
Planetary features (824)Battlefield RemnantsPlanetary features (825) Determined Exterminator civicPlanetary features (826) 300Planetary features (827) 120Planetary features (828) Organic Landfills planetary featureTens of thousands of burnt warmachines and the twisted skeletal remains of organic soldiers litter the ground at this former battlefield. Residual pockets of radiation interfere with most electronics.
Planetary features (829)Malfunctioning Replicator BayPlanetary features (830) Resource Consolidation originPlanetary features (831) 600Planetary features (832) 360Planetary features (833) 1 Replicator jobThis replicator bay built into the Machine World is malfunctioning, producing endless piles of grappling clamps.
Planetary features (834)Decrepit TunnelsPlanetary features (835) Shattered Ring originPlanetary features (836) 1000Planetary features (837) 360
  • Planetary features (838) 200 Minerals
  • Planetary features (839) 100 Alloys
These ancient and decrepit tunnels have never been fully explored or cleared.
Planetary features (840)Ancient RubblePlanetary features (841) Shattered Ring originPlanetary features (842) 250Planetary features (843) 360Broken down machinery and other debris obstructs workers from utilizing the entire segment.
Planetary features (844)Ship DebrisPlanetary features (845) Broken Shackles originPlanetary features (846) 300Planetary features (847) 360Planetary features (848) Random technologyThe debris from the crashed slaver ship covers a massive area, blocking development of the planet.

Cannot be removed if planet has a Crashed Slaver Ship archaeological site

Event blockers[]

These blockers can be created by certain events. They blockers do not block any planetary feature or require any technology to be cleared but still decrease the district cap.

BlockerSourceRemoval costRemoval timeDescription
Planetary features (849)Terraforming ResidueTerraforming Complications eventPlanetary features (850) 500Planetary features (851) 180The results of a partially successful terraforming process have created areas of strange biological abominations.
Planetary features (852)Impact CraterAsteroid Sighted eventPlanetary features (853) 300Planetary features (854) 100Something collided with the surface of this world at some point, creating this massive impact crater.
Planetary features (855)Subterranean EntranceSubterranean Civilization event chainPlanetary features (856) 500Planetary features (857) 100A large hole in the ground that leads into the extensive cave network stretching beneath the surface of this world.
Planetary features (858)RiftsVoidspawn hatching event chainPlanetary features (859) 500Planetary features (860) 120Seismological phenomena are causing the planet crust to crack, spewing out sulfuric gases and toxic slime.
Planetary features (861)Fungoid Extermination ResidueParadise Lost event chainPlanetary features (862) 300Planetary features (863) 120This toxic goo is all that remains of the exterminated Fungoids.

Other blockers[]

These blockers do not block any planetary feature or require any technology to be cleared but still decrease the District Cap and may have other negative effects.

BlockerSourceRemoval costRemoval timeNotesDescription
Planetary features (864)Nature PreservePlanetary features (865) Ranger Lodge building or holdingInstant
  • Planetary features (866) Counts as a natural blocker for Ranger Lodge buildings
  • Planetary features (867) Cannot be removed while there is a Ranger Lodge building or holding on the world
A section of natural beauty decreed by the Overlord to never be tampered with.
Planetary features (868)Overlord Spawning ComplexPlanetary features (869) Splinter Hive holdingInstantPlanetary features (870) Cannot be removed while there is a Splinter Hive holding on the worldA large hulking biomass, alive and pulsating as it is slowly producing new workers for the hive.
Planetary features (871)Explosive Fungal GrowthPlanetary features (872) Seed Bombing orbital bombardment (fungoid)Planetary features (873) 300Planetary features (874) 180
  • Planetary features (875) Empires with the Fruitful Partnership origin clear it at half cost
  • Planetary features (876) Empires with the Fruitful Partnership origin gain a pop when clearing it
This region of the planet has been infested by a constantly growing forest of alien fungi.
Planetary features (877)Explosive Sylvan GrowthPlanetary features (878) Seed Bombing orbital bombardment (plantoid)Planetary features (879) 300Planetary features (880) 180
  • Planetary features (881) Empires with the Fruitful Partnership origin clear it at half cost
  • Planetary features (882) Empires with the Fruitful Partnership origin gain a pop when clearing it
This region of the planet has been infested by a constantly growing forest of alien flora.
Planetary features (883)Lithoid DevastationPlanetary features (884) Consume World situationPlanetary features (885) 1000Planetary features (886) 360A lithoid devouring swarm has despoiled this region. With great effort it may be possible to undo the damage.
Planetary features (889)Ruined Major OrbitalPlanetary features (890) Major Orbital reduced to 5% hull pointsPlanetary features (891) 250Planetary features (892) 360This orbital has experienced a catastrophic hull failure. Repairs must be done before habitation functions can be resumed.
Planetary features (895)Ruined Minor OrbitalPlanetary features (896) Minor Orbital reduced to 5% hull pointsPlanetary features (897) 50Planetary features (898) 90Planetary features (899) Species habitability capThis orbital has experienced a catastrophic hull failure. Repairs must be done before habitation functions can be resumed.
Planetary features (900)Destroyed PromenadePlanetary features (901) Star Mall
  • Planetary features (902) 1500
  • Planetary features (903) 500
Planetary features (904) 720This enormous, multi-level hub once served as the station's central shopping area, but now only collapsed displays and garbage remain.
Planetary features (907)Abandoned WingPlanetary features (908) Star Mall
  • Planetary features (909) 750
  • Planetary features (910) 250
Planetary features (911) 360This section of the Star Mall lies in ruins. We must clear the decaying structure before we can rebuild.


Game concepts

ExplorationExplorationFTLAnomalyArchaeological siteRelicsPre-FTL speciesFallen empireEventsSpaceborne aliensEnclavesGuardiansMaraudersCaravaneers
Celestial bodiesCelestial bodyColonizationTerraformingPlanetary featuresPlanet modifiers
SpeciesSpeciesTraitsPopulationPop modificationSpecies rightsEthicsLeader
EconomyResourcesPlanetary managementDistrictsBuildingsHoldingsJobsDesignationTradeMegastructures
DiplomacyDiplomacyRelationsGalactic communityFederationsSubject empiresIntelligenceAI personalities
WarfareWarfareSpace warfareLand warfareStarbaseShipShip designerCrisis
OthersThe ShroudL-ClusterUnique systemsPreset empiresAI playersEaster eggs
Planetary features (2024)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.